Firm registration

  • Authorisation details
  • Business details
  • Administrator details
  • Summary


Please note: this registration process captures information about you, as the individual registering on behalf of your firm,as well as details on the firm you are registering. Once your registration has been accepted,you will be able to add other firm users (such as advisers and paraplanners).
Regulator (Required)
Firm authorisation number
Firm authorisation number (Required) This should be your company's reference number comprised of 6 numbers
Are you a Financial Adviser at the Firm? (If you are not an adviser, please select No)
Firm authorisation type
Firm authorisation type (Required) An appointed representative (AR) is a firm or person who runs regulated activities and acts as an agent for a firm the FCA directly authorises. This firm is known as the ARs 'principal'. For further information, refer to the FCA�s website, <a href=""></a> From an FCA perspective, a Network means firms with 5 or more appointed representative firms, or with appointed representatives who have 26 or more individual advisers between them. For further information, refer to the FCA�s website, <a href=""></a>
Principal/Network FCA reference
Principal/Network FCA reference (Required)
Which type of structured products do you permit your advisers to recommend to clients?
Which type of structured products do you permit your advisers to recommend to clients? (Required)